How to Get personal loan From CB Loan App

How to Get Loan From CB Loan App?Hello friends, how are you all, hope you are well and healthy, then friends have come with another new post in which we are going to tell you about another new loan application, how you can use this application.

You can easily take a loan, the name of the loan application that we are going to tell you about today is CB Loan app, by using this application, you can easily take a loan and fulfill your needs.

What is CB Loan App-

In today’s era of rising inflation, every person needs money and money is needed to write and teach our children in a good society, just as we take a loan due to lack of money,

today we will give you a We are going to tell you about such an application that gives you a loan sitting at home, whose name is CB Loan app.

Read also:How to Get loan From Ricevault Loan App.

The application is easily available to you on the play store.

How to Download CB Loan App?-

  • To download this application, first of all, you have to open your Play Store
  • Then you have to type it on the search bar by going to the Play Store and there you have to search by entering the name of the CB Loan app
  • After doing it in front of you,This application comes, after that you have to download this application,
  • Then after downloading, you have to install this application in your mobile phone,
  • And then installing you can use this application comfortably, in this way the application is your Very easy to download in mobile.

Documents Needed for CB Loan App-

  1. Mobile Number
  2. Pan Card – Pan Card
  3. Aadhar Card – Aadhar Card
  4. Bank Account Statement PDF – Bank Account Statement
  5. Must have proof of income
  6. 3 months bank statement

CB Loan eligibility-

To take a personal loan from CB Loan app, you need some important documents, first of all you need your Aadhar card.

  1. After that you are asked for your PAN card
  2. Then you have to provide income proof or bank account details
  3. And one passport size photograph has to be given.

How to Create Account on CB Loan App-

  1. To create an account in CB Loan app, first of all you have to download some application from play store,
  2. after that after downloading you have to install it in your mobile,
  3. after installing you have to open this application in your mobile phone.
  4. You have to take, after opening the information that is asked from you, after doing that, you have to register in the application by entering your mobile number to create an account,
  5. after that an OTP comes on your mobile number, you have to continue by entering the OTP. By clicking on it, in this way your account in CB Loan app gets ready.

How to get loan from CB Loan App-

  1. To take a personal loan from CB Loan app, first you have to download this application by opening your play store,
  2. after that you have to create an account in the application by entering your mobile number and then OTP comes on your number.
  3. By entering, you have to click on Continue, in this way your account is closed and ready,
  4. after that you are asked for some of your basic details, which you have to give, after that your basic information or details are entered.
  5. After that, you see the option of your own loan, in which you have to enter your loan amount and click on continue,
  6. after that you have to upload your documents, then your loan request goes to the review and after that the loan is approved.
  7. After you your loan amount is transferred to your bank account within 24 hours, in this way you get loan easily in CB Loan app.

How to Repay CB Loan-

You can repay the loan through net banking, UPI or card.

How much loan can you get from CB Loan App-

The loan given under this application is given to the same amount, it ranges from Rs 5000 to Rs 100000.

CB Loan Interest Rate-

The interest rate charged in CB Loan app ranges from 3.8% to 15%.

CB Loan Customer Care Support-

A help number has been issued to contact the customer care of CB Loan App and an email id has been given through which you can get instant feedback by messaging on the email id which is as follows

contact us:


Phone: 918105089780

WeChat: 91 8573859638

Through all these e-mails and mobile numbers, you can very easily contact the customer care of CB Loan App.

MY Final Thought-How to Get Loan From CB Loan App

If you rEad this psot till here then you must have got all information about How to Get Loan From CB Loan App.

Also you have got how to download and apply for loan from CB Loan app.

If you learned something valuable from this post then you can share this post with your friends and family.

I am very thankful to you to read this post.

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